We feel deeply honoured,
privileged and delighted to have
been selected to receive these prestigious web awards !

The "Award Of
was presented for the very high quality
of all of the content within our web site.

"The Best Design
was presented for the overall layout,
web structure and skilled web design.

The "Your Site Is So
award was presented for the beauty of our
persians and the overall cuteness of our site.

Inspirational Award"
was presented because our site has qualified
as being both an inspirational and beautiful
website to the Web community.

The "Positive Steps
Excellence Award"
was presented for the quality of our website
and for my small but significant contribution
to making the Internet a great experience.

The "Purrfect Site Award"
was presented by I Love Cats.com
for the quality of our website.

The "2002-2003
Golden Web Award"
was presented for the overall quality of our website and
in particular in regards to our use of dynamic content.